Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Weekend Getaways, what???

So where has this month gone? I feel like the past few weeks have just gone by SO fast! Maybe I'm just trying to repress the memories. We've had a few failed attempts at weekend getaways that I'm trying to forget. A few weeks ago we were so excited to go to Seattle. We knew the weather was pretty bad, but we were determined! I checked the pass report on Thursday night and the pass was open, Yeah. It was just slushy because all the ice was beginning to melt. So no worries, right? Friday morning was spent packing and packing and more packing. Packing a one year old for a weekend getaway is not the easiest. Ben got off work at Noon, and we were off. We got to Ellensburg around 3:30ish and Tucker was in desperate need of a break from his carseat. So we fueled up the car, and ourselves, and we were on the road again. And to our dismay, what do we run into? But a huge sign that says "PASS CLOSED". They closed it at 3:44 pm. We had barely missed it. The freeway ahead of us was empty except for the sign and the 5 little measley cones in the middle of the freeway veering us off onto the exit. What, did you think that 5 little wimpy cones would keep us from that pass? We have an Exterra, we can handle extreme conditions. The weather was still pretty good, and we could make it. So we are the lone car on the road and as we progress the weather is getting increasingly worse and worse. I was getting a little worried, but I really wanted to make it to Seattle. So, about a 1/2 hour later, at the next exit,another sign and more cones veering us off onto the exit. Once again, we manueverd our way around. So we're off once more. As we are nearing the foot of the pass the weather started to get really bad. We were driving about 40 mph at this point and had found this state trooper with plow on his truck to follow. It was perfect. Until we got to the next exit. Finally there were two state trooper cars actually blocking the freeway not allowing us to pass. Apparently there were avalance warnings and they were getting pounded with snow over the pass and it was freezing and turning into a thick layer of ice. I was a little relieved because I was starting to get a little scared of the surrounding weather. I was not relieved to have driven for 4 hours at this point and still not have been able to get to Seattle. We were SO close. We found out that all three passes to Seattle were closed, and we were stuck. We could drive an extra 6 hours by going down to Portland and back up to Seattle, or drive the three hours home. And as much as we wanted to go to Seattle, the thought of being in the car for 6 more hours with Tucker, made me sick.

I took these pictures mainly for my in-laws who can't even really understand the concept of this much snow. :) The snow banks were literally like walls along the freeway, most of the signs along the freeway were completley covered. And this wasn't even at the worst area! It was crazy.

Notice how the weather gets progressively worse and worse. This first picture was when I thought that we could make it.

We will be attempting to get away to Seattle again this up coming weekend, so lets just hope we have better luck! Anyway, enough about our failed attempts at traveling. Other than that we have just been hangning out at home, the weather makes us not want to really leave the house. It was in the low 40's the other day and I was so excited to not have to wear my coat! I was laughing at myself when I realized I was excited about 40 degree weather! But it IS finally starting to warm up and I couldn't be happier. I can't wait to get back outside!

Who could resist?

This next picture is my favorite, it is SO typical! Poor little Tucker is continually trying to win over the heart of his friend, Jason. Much to Tuckers dismay Jason isn't what you would call a 'kid guy'. He is a nice guy, just not one to love on other peoples children. Anwyay, it is a running joke that Tucker is always trying to win his affection, becuse Tucker LOVES Jason and is always trying to get Jason to hold him and snuggle with him. I was very proud of myself when I captured perfectly on film what always happens when we're together. Luckily for Tucker Jasons daughter, Carly gives him enough lovin' to make up for it! Unfortunatley I don't have any recent pictures of them hugging and kissing, but they do it every time they are together. You should hear them in church, they like yell out for each other until they are together. Tucker just says, Car... Car... and points at her, and she says TaTa...Tata and does the same. Its pretty cute.
Anyway, here is Tuck getting denied....
I don't know who could resist those fish lips... I sure can't! :)


Tiffani said...

Hey Taraka! I've been peeking at your blog and loving the pictures of my favorite little man Tucker...okay maybe my third favorite little man. :-) I'll send you an invite to my blog since I haven't braved going public yet.

Tiffani said...

I need your e-mail address!

Madsen Family said...

I don't know this Jason guy, but I'm not sure I like him. How could I like someone who would deny that cute, adorable little/big Tucker a kiss? I think you should send Tucker this way and I will love on him plenty for all of us! Too bad you are so very far away. Give Tucker a squeeze from little Willy!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
We know Jason. Tell him Hi from Dave and Tiffani Adamson. We were in his ward a few years back. He's so cool!!

Stacey said...

So, I dont need to feel so bad about not contacting you on our VERY QUICK trip to Spokane?!?! I mean afterall... you werent even there... right?!?!

I really wish we would have gotten pictures of the passes! Crazy! I am very thankful we were traveling to and from the opposite direction you were trying to go!! Aside from the deep deep snow on the sides of the road we made it in clear blue skies! I MISSED YOU GUYS THOUGH!!!

Michael and Brinn said...

Yeah, here in Kentucky we brag about getting 8 inches of snow. I can't believe the sides of the roads where you are. Come on Spring!!