Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A day in the life...

With the weather so crappy lately, here's a little glimpse as to what we've been up to:
These next three photos were by Tucker.
Here is what our basement looks like most of the time. Disaster zone!
family portraits by Tucker...

And we wonder where our kids get their craziness from!
You obviously don't want to let a Pyper get a hold of your expensive technical device. You saw what I did to our net book. Now here is Taylor eating her taco soup off of a cell phone. (an old cell phone that is now a toy phone, but still...)
Here's Tuckers crazy face...
And speaking of my cute boy, let me just brag a minute or two. This little boy is so smart! He came to me the other day and told me that he had written this sentence:
"The rocket blasted off"
He is totally reading three and four letter words and writing words all the time! I am one proud mama!
We've been going to Mobius a lot. I loved this picture of Taylor and her whale spout! :)
This little one loves to play in the drawers in the kitchen while she is at my feet while I'm trying to cook ALL THE TIME!
Farm animal bowling with Tuckers backugan. It's always really exciting around here!
Taylor loves to play in Tuckers room. This is a pretty typical face for this little drama queen!
Making cookies has been a big hit these days. Yes Tucker is indeed licking THREE utensils covered in cookie batter.
This little girl was just happy to have some chocolate chips. :)
If you notice, she has quite a few bruises on her head and face, its because this little girl is finally standing on her own and is falling and bumping her head all the time! I'm hoping she starts walking soon!
Anyway, the moral of our story here is this:
please, please, PLEASE hurry and get here summer, we need to get out of this house!


Rosie Moncrief said...

I need to come spend "a day in the life" with you guys!! Love your cute little family!

Kelli said...

animal bowling, eh? And yeah, what is it with these girls loving their brothers' rooms so much? Keyton constantly is pushing her out and closing the door leaving her screeching at him from the other side.

Anonymous said...

Your little family is so cute:) What a super fun post!