Since we only had a limited time in Milwaukee, we jammed every day with as much as possible! We sure had fun, though! Friday we went to the zoo! Milwaukee has a great zoo and Kayla had volunteered there, so she was like our own personal zoo expert! :)
Cute cousins before the zoo...

I was just happy to be able to spend time with this beauty...

She loves her daddy, he can always make her smile! Oh man, she's adorable! And such a dreamy baby, too! I don't think I heard her cry once on our whole trip!

Tucker getting close to the tigers...

Taylor's favorite were the monkeys. She started making noises just like them and loved it! :) Jason got a video on his i-pad, I'm going to have to get it from him! :)

The way I prefer to do the zoo, is from the train...

kissin' fools...

This little girl started eating solids while we were there. Not sure she liked it so much! :)

And my personal fav, the Milwaukee 3rd District indoor farmers market. I truly got to taste the best of Milwaukee. Here we are eating brawt, brew and cheese curds (My FAVORITE!). The brew is Sprekers Root beer, yummy! We have truly been to Milwaukee now! Count us in!

After the farmers market we headed to the Children's museum and had a great time.

We walked downtown a bit to see the city and the sights. Taylor fell asleep in her stroller, just like this...

funny lady!
That night Kayla & I left Jason home with the kids and hit the town! Milwaukee has this huge outdoor music festival every year. There were like 10 stages and all these big name bands and singers, I was really impressed. The group I wanted to see more than anything while I was there was Maroon 5. I am in love with Adam Levine. Don't worry, Ben knows about this love affair!

We got there at 7 and the concert didn't start until 10 so Kayla and I just hung out and listened to some other no name bands and chatted and had a good time. We actually got really good seats since we were there so early. By 9:30 a SEA of people had formed and we were lucky enough to get on the benches, but it went back forever!

Finally the show started. It was so great, one of the best concerts! Probably just because I love their music, but I was in heaven! :) I think all the ladies were, Adam is so smokin'! :)

And there he is, in all of his rock and roll glory...

It was so much fun to get out with my little sissy and be away from the kids for an evening of fun with her! :)
The next day was Sunday and I had to take a picture of Kenzie making this face while asleep on Jason's shoulder. So stinkin' cute!

We resumed our motherly roles and made homemade chocolate chip cookies, went on a walk around the cute little park across the street from them, ate delicious frozen custard and watched the best movie ever made, ponyo! :) If anyone has ever seen that movie, I am sorry. I wish I could take back those two hours of my life! :)

I wish we had more time in Milwaukee with them, but it was a little hard fitting 6 people into their little 700 square foot apartment, we were jammed in like a can of sardines! I am sure they were happy to have their home back after our invasion! They have the cutest little place though and I was happy to just be there with them and to see where they live and their little life in Milwaukee! If only it were a little closer...