Friday, February 14, 2014


Luckily, after all of the craziness of the Holiday's, January was a pretty low key month. Since we flew home on the day of the National Championship game, and Ben's team was playing, our friends, the Nelson's knew that he would be up watching the game. We came home to this awesome chips and dip with a note. It was so awesome of them to do that, and the dip was DELICIOUS!!!  (Kirt came and picked us up from the airport in our van, so when he went inside to get our keys to the van, he saw this, scratched out the Nelsons name, and put in his--as a joke!) :) Yea, we have some pretty awesome friends! We got in pretty late, like at 10 or 11 if I remember right, but Ben was still determined to watch that game. He did everything in his power the whole flight home to not overhear what the score was because he knew it was being recorded at our house, and he wanted to watch it. A guy sitting next to me on our last flight from Boise to Spokane spilled the beans to me--thankfully Ben didn't hear--so I knew the score, so after eating a bit, I went to bed, but Ben stayed up until 2 in the morning watching the game. The outcome wasn't good, so it was a dark and dismal few days at our house after...
The one negative to always going to Alabama at Christmas time, is that I come home after, totally Christmased out, and STILL have to put away all of my decorations. I'm always so exhausted and over Christmas at that point, that I'm done! :) Ben usually takes care of the tree, but it was just eating at me that it was still up in the corner, dried and dead and wit no decorations. So...I found a little hand saw in the garage one day and went to town. Tucker's friend, Collin was over and I put him to work!, helping me put all the limbs in the garbage. We hauled out the stump, did a little vacuuming, and viola--Christmas was officially OVER! :) That sawing was quite therapeutic, I need to find something like that to do as my workouts every day! :)
Oh man, I love this little man. I love the big man, too! :) But he was snuggling with his daddy one night so I had to sneak a pic:
Since we had 9 oclock church last year, I didn't get any pictures of the kids in their church clothes. Tucker & Jacksons were pretty run of the mill, but I wanted to get a shot of cute Tatey. I love this girl so much! It is so much easier getting pictures with our 12:15 start time this year! :) I am rejoicing in the time change.
After weeks and weeks of wanting to do dance, I signer her up. She is so stinkin' cute. I had her go to one of my friends, Michelle, who is so awesome. Unfortunately it didn't last very long. Long story...but I started her out on Wednesday's, and I could tell right away that she wasn't at the same level at the girls in the class, so I changed her to the younger class, which happened to be like a half an hour before she got out of preschool on Friday's. Anyway, long story short, I was taking her out of preschool early on Friday's to get to dance, and it didn't seem like she even cared if she was in dance or not. Not that she didn't like it, but that it seemed like she was just indifferent. So, I decided all the effort I was making to get her there every week wasn't worth it until she showed me that she truly wanted to take dance class. I mean, the girl loves to dance, don't get me wrong. She wants to have a dance party every day, but I'm not sure she was ready for a class. We'll see how it goes in the future...
She sure was cute for the 4 weeks she took the class. :) Dance outfit and snow boots...
Michelle and Taylor in dance. I love this girl!!!And Michelle is awesome, if you live in Spokane and are looking for a place to send your daughter to dance, let me know!
Now she's saying she wants to do tinastics (gymnastics) and I think I might let her try that out to see if she gets more excited about that! :)
Our January field trip with the preschool was to the fire station. Taylor & Amber in the truck:
The whole group with the fireman. I love these little kiddos:
We had some major branch bonding this month of January. First, our Relief Society had a women's retreat at the house of one of the sisters. It was awesome. Just getting in and out of her house was an adventure itself. They seriously live in a cabin in the woods. It was a really cool house that they had built themselves, and it was a perfect setting for getting to know our RS sisters better. And there was seriously THE best food I've ever had. If all of our branch activities have this caliber of food, I am seriously going to gain 100 lbs. It will be the death of me! :)
Melissa, Lacey & Karla:
Hna. Zavala, Ashleigh, Hna.Gower, her daughter, Sonia, and another daughter...
Our entire Relief Society was there, plus the sister missionaries. I love these ladies:
The third Saturday night of every month is the Spanish session at the Temple. I love that it usually turns into a Branch activity with some sort of activity or dinner before or after. We had a dinner and activity before the session, then the adults went to the session while some youth and members from the other branch came and watched the little ones.

We played a getting to know you game where everyone was assigned an animal and you had to make the noise of that animal until you found others with the same animal. This was Tucker's group, with Hna. Martinez, Luna and Anna Mejia.
My sweet Jackson boy:
Taylor and I went to the Battle of the Bone. The wrestling match between U-High and CV. It was so much fun!!! John was wrestling, and is totally awesome. (Hoping to win state this year!!! woo-hoo!!!) Even though it's not the same building I went to U-hi in, it was fun to be there, and bring back some good memories! :)
John & Kathryn:
John & Taylor. John is so sweet to her:
John won his match, of course, and U-hi won the match, of course! I think U-hi always wins the battle of the bone. And actually, my senior year was the year that we started the battle of the bone for the U-Hi/CW match. Cool Beans...
John and his awesome friends with THE bone. U-Hi's theme this year was something about Bone round up, like Western something. John kept on making references to the 'brokeback bone' etc...I thought it was hilarious! :)

We did a lot of these type of indoor activities this month:

And the reason for that being:

It will be so nice to get out of this snow and into sunny Mexico. I think we picked the perfect week to go! :) And I do love me some free child labor! :) he he...

Our friend, Luna turned 6. We sure do love Luna!
Oh, and I was also commissioned out to make the posters for our Stake Adult Valentines dance. I love doing things like this. It was quite the adventure with Costco and learning how to print posters there, but we finally figured it out, and they turned out great! :)
And that's about it for us! Now on to bigger and better things, as we spent the first week of February in Cancun, and I can't wait to go through all of those pictures! :) I'm still in depression from being back in the frozen tundra of Spokane. Mexico was A-MAZING!!!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Oh, I didn't know you had tried Taylor out in dance too! Sad. Perhaps if we were closer they could have inspired eachother to try harder. I'm in the constant debate each week of whether I keep paying for Cassidy to go when she just lays on the floor or goes crazy in the back, doing whatever she wants and getting in trouble... maybe a few years helps out. I guess we'll see!