Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kelli & the kids visit...

My sister in law, Kelli and her kids came up for a few days while my mom was here. Allen had to stay in Quincy to work, but I think Kelli was itching to get out of their tiny town for a bit! :)
Keyton stayed with us both of the nights they were here.
Matching Angry Birds Jammies:


We also did a little shopping. Shopping with 6 children is not very much fun! Luckily the mall has fun toy rids to keep the little ones entertained!

I guess shopping wore these two out!!!
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Lots more visits to blog about, so stay tuned!!! 'Tis the season!!! :)

1 comment:

Angie C. said...

So cute!!! I'm so sad that we live so far away now :( We miss everybody!