Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

We woke up this morning to a big white beautiful surprise! 3-4 inches of it to be exact! It finally snowed! I always love the first snow day of the year...I'm usually over it by the time I have to get in my car that day and drive somewhere, but what can ya do? :) As is the winter routine up here in Spokompton. The snow is nice when its a novelty and you're just thinking about it. After about 4 months of dirty wet mush everywhere, I'm ready to get the heck out of the Inland Northwest! I really do love a white christmas though, that is one thing snow is good for. :) There is absolutley nothing better than waking up on Christmas morning and having a fresh blanket of clean white crisp snow on the ground. (oh, and its good for snowmen)
Tucker was excited about this new thing called snow though. I should have gotten some pictures of him with it. But I just snapped these two as he was sleeping. The first one is out our front door, the second one is out our back door. Don't be jealous of our beautiful landscaping! :)

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