Monday, August 15, 2011

Just tryin' to keep 'em alive...

I'm just here trying to keep all the living things in this house alive today! We've had a rough couple a days. I started throwing up Saturday night, Sunday morning it hit Ben and Sunday afternoon Tucker got it! We spent all day Sunday in our cave of a house not knowing what time it was, but Ben and I taking turns sleeping! Gotta love days like that.
Trying to keep him alive, he wants to eat so bad but everything is coming back up!
Then I looked over and saw this and realized my plant is really sick too. So, watered this baby to keep him alive!
Oh, and we inherited two fish from some friends; Cooper & Pinky. I looked on the mantle and noticed that their water was brown and murky and like half way down the bowl so they could barely swim. So, I had to wash the bowls and give them clean water and I fed them.
It's a lot of work trying to keep everyone alive around here! Hopefully after all of this, things will start picking up around here! :)

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Oh that stinks that you guys got sick! I've got a bit of a cough/sore throat thing going on, but no throwing up, thank goodness! Being sick in the Summer is always so awful!