Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Last one of Alabama, I swear... :)

OK, here are the rest of the random pictures from our trip. I never can decide which ones to post and which ones to file away, there are always so many cute ones.
Here are the two babies, Angelynna & Elijah enjoying the park...
Baby Elijah, I love that chubby little face...
And Angelynna; And yes, she is naked on a picnic table at the park. That's just how we roll down south. OK, not really, my mother in law would be mortified but I don't think that she reads this blog often enough, so I'm ok to post this picture. :) She had a major blow out at the park, what else were we to do? Speaking of the south, Tucker was telling everyone before we left that he loves to go to Alabama because he gets to wear his underwear all day! I'm sure my mother in law would be happy to know that that is how he is portraying the south! :)
Tractor rides with grandma are always a hit...

We found this fabulous pool last summer like within our last three days of being in Alabama and were so excited to go there like every day this summer. So, one Thursday afternoon we get all dressed up and ready to head out the door and we decided to call them to find out if we could bring floaties or not. So, we searched their number, called them, asked them they told us that floaties were ok, but that they were only open on Saturdays this summer! We were so bummed! We only got to go once, but boy did we make it worth it! :)
One of the themes to our trip this summer seemed to be SHOPPING, as it usually is! It is just getting harder and harder to actually get to go out with all the kids! The Gap was having this great sale on all their kids clothes, so we would take turns, one day half of us would go and the other half would stay and watch the kids, and the next day visa-versa. Of course, we did our usual TJ Maxx and Target trips as well! :) I seriously got all of my kids winter clothes shopping done; I am so glad. Anyway, all the kids got some new Sunday clothes, and we had to get a picture of them in their new suits and dresses on Sunday.
Taylor in her pretty new dress and shoes...
And the treasure hunt. The awesomeness that was the treasure hunt. These boys loved it! We hid jewels and made a map and they had a ball going around the property finding the jewels where the x's were. :) So fun!
The big x with all the loot had a treasure chest even!
The map...

On another day when it was too stormy to go outside, we went fishing inside. Grandma and Aunt Meri were on one side of the 'water' and all the boys got to fish for treats. They had so much fun!
Of course, the girls had fun with Grandmas curlers...
The annual cousins picture with the train engine at the zoo. It was so unbelievably hot that day!
Best Cousins...
Taylor had fun swinging at the zoo...
And I thought this picture was too funny. Elijah looked to be really enjoying himself! :) Looks like a miniature football player.
Uncle Ben playing softball with the kids in grandmas cul-de-sac...
Tucker in action catching a ball to get Joshy out...
All the Pyper girls, Kira, Sophie, Taylor & Elia. As my sister in law Laura said (the girls' mom) Taylor looks just like my girls with a little Taraka flavor to her. :) And it's true, I can definitely see the similarities!
And there was never a want for some puppy love. This girl absolutely loved the dogs, and there are plenty to love on down there! :) I had to document this girl lovin' on the doggies!
Whew! Our Alabama trip was, as usual, wonderful and we were sad to see it end! But we are already looking forward to Christmas, we love being with our cousins and family! They're the best!

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