Thursday, August 18, 2011

What we've been up to since we've been home...

Since we've been home, this little one decided to drive the tricycle off the back deck and gave herself a fat lip...
Good thing she's so dang cute! :)
Eating lots of pop-sickles. I got in the mood to make our own and just bought lots of kool-aid. The kids have loved it!
Visiting with our friends, the Enloe's while they were here. Playing and swimming at the Christensen's house! Tucker loves his best friend Carter!
Three silly boys!
Lots and lots of summer evening walks and bike rides! The month of August is the best up here in the Pacific Northwest. I would say summers are the best, but since it didn't start getting warm until August this year, all I can say is August! :)
And Lots and Lots and Lots of this...
We have our three of four pools that we make our rounds in! :) Thank goodness for friends with pools and pool memberships! :) Thanks guys!
This little boy is a fish now! About three weeks ago he would barely get his face wet with water and I don't know what happened, but one day it just clicked and he started jumping off the diving board and actually going under water and swimming and loving it! Actually, what it was, was that when the Enloes were here, we went out on the lake and Eric just threw Tucker in the lake like three times (with his life jacket on). He started crying the first time and Eric felt bad but Ben told him to do it again and then again and after the third time of being thrown in, he was fine! :) So, thanks Eric! I am one happy mama!
Here is his perfect cannon ball form! Not bad! :)
And I'm not sure what this is...
FHE at the Orndorff's one night with friends. Look at all those boys, I love it! :)

Oh yeah, and even doing flips off the diving board! Crazy kid!
This little girl just loves to soak up the sun! :) (just like her mommy!)
I watched my friend Emily's kids while she was at Girls camp one day and we went over to their house to swim. I didn't think Tucker would like the unsteady tube to jump off of, but I just can't get him to stop now! :)
Of course, many many lake outings. In the paddle boat at Liberty Lake with my good friend from high school, Kelly...

Taylor wasn't so sure about the cold lake water, but Tucker jumped right in...
Some cute pictures of my girl and her new favorite past time of swinging...

My good good friend from High School, Emily came into town for a baby shower. It was fun getting together with old friends and staying up way too late chatting! There is nothing better than old friends!
It's been a fun month of swimming, bike riding and playing with friends! I love the summertime, it is way too short up here in Spokane!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Love the pics!! I hope there is some summer left when we get back to Spokane :)