Saturday, September 10, 2011


This little bit turned 18 months a few weeks ago and started nursery. Hallelujah! This is on her first day of nursery! What a sweet girl! I love this girl so much! Also her first time wearing little piggy tails! :) So cute!
Some info about our little lady:
She weighed 22 lbs. which is the 25%
She was 33 inches tall which is the 50%
She is the funniest little girl I know. She is sweet and sassy all at the same time. How is that even possible? She is all girl and all drama. She can go from crying to laughing in a single breath. She is so loving and sweet, and always gives kisses and snuggles. But will for sure let you know the MOMENT she is unhappy about something. She is also the most beautiful little thing-I love those big blue eyes. She is so fun and playful. She is independent and is starting the phase where she just wanted to try everything on her own. And boy does she love to scream. She is addicted to her blanket and her binki. I can't tell you how many times a day I have to fetch those two things for her! She is so fun to be around, when she smiles she scrunches up her nose and it's so dang cute! She sings to herself ALL the time! Especially when she's tired. She is just a chatterbox, talking to me all the time. Some of her nicknames are: taters, tater tot, stinky lady, stinks mcgee, lady love, and little bit. She currently knows her animals and sounds and she LOVES animals. I think even more than Tucker does! She stops at the sound of any music to dance, and she is absolutely the best dancer around! (She learned all of her moves from me) :) And we just couldn't love her any more! What we do without our tater tot? She means everything to us!
Oh, and she is going to be a big sister-which should be quite interesting!! :)


Anonymous said...

Did I read that last sentence right?! CONGRATULATIONS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!! That's AWESOME!!!!!!!

Rachel said...

congrats to you cousin. I am guessing you will have a little boy so his big sister can dress him up!!!!

Josett said...

I loved the Post... But even better you are pregnant!!! I am so happy for you and your family. I love you mucho!

The Mohs-Taylor Dayz said...

WHAT!! Aren't you sly....sneakin' that in, HA! Love it! She is so stinkin' cute! Congrats!!

Cookie, Jason, Olivia, and Mya said...

what?! you can't just say stuff like that and not tell us when!!!