Thursday, October 14, 2010

the zoo & the childrens museum...

We can't go to Alabama without a trip to the Montgomery zoo. It is the perfect size for little boys and all of the boys still love it.
We were so so so happy when Aunt Meg surprised us and showed up late late late (or I should say early early early) on the first night we got there. We all thought she had to work and wouldn't be able to make it. But she got people to cover, and drove 8 hours through the night from Kentucky to make it down to spend a week with us! We were so happy to have see her! Unfortunately when we went to the zoo she forgot her sunglasses, so she got to sport Tuckers cars sunglasses all day. She rocked 'em! :)
The zoo train! Can't go to the zoo without going on a ride! :) Jonah, Tuck & Grandma...
It is so extremely hot and humid down there that they have these wonderful misters all throughout the zoo. They are seriously a lifesaver! The boys started a Congo line.
And here are the littler boys just playing around in the mister...
And here's the little Taters; she thoroughly enjoyed the zoo...
da boys...
And in front of the train...
We also went to the children's museum while we were there...
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Some of the cousins...
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Tucker had to wear the superman cape he found at grandmas house...
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Kira taking after her mommy and building houses. :)
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Kissing cousins. Kira and Tucker love each other.
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Tuck, Everett and Elia playing with the race cars...
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Everett & Elia. The disastrous duo! Seriously, these two cause more drama than all the other kids combined! :) But that's why we love them! We have the great Houdini (Elia) and the monster (Everett) :)
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But look at that smile, how could you not love him?! :)
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After the museum we walked over and fed the ducks. Good times.
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Taylor was talking to the ducks the whole time. :) Can't get enough of Taters! :)
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Anonymous said...

Sounds like a blast! Dave and I love taking the kiddos to zoos when we vacation. Wish we had one in Spokane.

Your kids are such cuties:)

Jeff and Erika Mitchell said...

What a bunch of great pictures. It sure looks and sounds like you had a whirl wind of fun!