Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tucker & Jonah...

Jonah and Tucker became fast friends. Jonah is exactly one year older than Tucker. Most of you know that Tucker isn't much of a bully. (most of the time) He is usually the one who takes it from others rather than dishes it out. Sometimes it's not so, but for the most part, that's how he is. Well, we witnessed a new side of Tucker while we were in Alabama. They were best buddies the first week we were there and got along so well! And then their relationship turned. Tucker started, for some reason, just absolutely bullying Jonah around. You would think it was the other way around. He would taunt him and try and boss him around and the thing is, is that Jonah took it, so it made Tucker just act out more! I had never seen him like that and I couldn't believe it! It was like they were still best friends and loved each other, always wanted to be together, but it always ended in Jonah crying about something Tucker did or said to him! But then the next minute they wanted to be together and were playing and then Tucker would taunt and Jonah would cry. The cycle continued the rest of our time there! When they were buddies, they were so cute together! And of course, Tucker still talks about him and wants to see him all the time!?
They played together in the garden...

They always had to eat next to each other...

They watched movies together...

They swam together...

They played at the park together...

They held hands at the zoo...

While we were at the zoo, we looked back to see this...
yeah, not sure what they're doing here?!
They wanted to sleep together and we tried a few nights, but Tucker would always want to come and sleep with me.

These were the two that found the 'yummy purple medicine' that they ate all up! That would be Grape children's Claritin chewable tablets. Poison control was called and Jonah got sick that night. Poor guy! I just fell in love with Jonah though, he is such a sweet boy!
These two together though, I tell ya! :)

1 comment:

Darci said...

At least they still love each other. Kids can sure be funny.