Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Ben got attacked by a vampire!
Ok, really it was a dog! But yikes! Can you believe that?! I can barely look at it!
Ben decided to go on a run on Saturday night, which he does often by the way, and about 5-10 minutes into his run I get a phone call from him saying he had gotten bitten by a dog and was on his way to the ER with the owner, to get some stitches! The dog had just come along side of him and then all of the sudden ran in front of him and Ben, being the animal lover he is started talking to it and it lunged after him. It grabbed onto his hand and Ben shook him off, then it tried to lunge again but Ben kicked it that time, and then Ben followed the dog home and knocked on the door and told the guy that his dog had just attacked him. The dogs owner, being smart, told Ben he'd take him immediatley to the ER because it looked so bad. That's when Ben called me and we met him at the ER!
This is when we first got there, and he was still in the initial shock and we were playing around a little, because seriously it took like 4 hours for the doc to come in!
These pictures are after his initial clean up, but he was covered in blood, his legs, his socks and shoes were all REALLY red. It scared me at first, I thought it was a lot worse than it was.
Then after awhile the good feelings were gone and the pain kicked in. Ben started to go white and wasn't feelin' too good! :)
I got sick of entertaining this one in a tiny little ER room, so the kids and I headed home before he even got the stitches and the dog's owner brought him home!
It was quite the adventure; I'm not one for blood or dogs, so I'm just glad it wasn't me! :) Ben is doing well now, although he is going to have a pretty cool scar from it, which he's excited about! :)


Stacey said...

Seriously Taraka... that picture should go at the end... WITH A WARNING!!! GROSS!!!
Glad he's ok though! :)

Kelli said...

Yeah, dude, that looks nasty. At least the dog's owner was good and responsible about it!

Teryn said...

yikes! good thing the owner took responsibility!!

Darci said...

What an ugly wound. I had to scroll down quickly after seeing it. Yuck! I hope he's healing okay. That is kind of scary.