Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Window on the wall...

Oh, P.S.... While I was in Portland, my wonderful husband hung this on our wall! It was a big bare wall and I was always at a loss for what to do with it.
I just love it. It was taken from a job they did with Sentinel Windows and had been in their warehouse.
I need to go out of town more often, that's when things actually get done around here! :)
I'm thinking about putting square black and white pictures on some of the openings, what do you think?


jani said...

Look at you being all diligent and updating your blog! Sheesh! I love the window... and I think some b&w pics would look adorable.

Kelli said...

Yeah, when you were explaining what your plans were with it when we were over there, I was starting to get jealous that we didn't have one. I'm excited to see how it looks once it's all done.