Monday, June 2, 2014

Cinco de mayo...

Cinco de Mayo in the Spanish branch had to be a par-tay! Just kidding. Actually, most Mexicans don't celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Lots of people believe that it's Mexico's Independence day, but that is in September. Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of the Battle of Puebla. Puebla is a state in Mexico and it celebrates a defeat over invaders back int he 1800's for the freedom of that particular area. So, the people of the state of Puebla celebrate, but that's about it! :) But still, we had to have a fiesta.
The Elders Quorom was in charge, which means that Ben and Jared Wiberg  put on the whole thing. Which also means that there was zero decor, but some delicious food and a serious game of kick ball. It was a fun evening.
{Sonia, Hna. Taylor, Hna. Rosado, Jared Wiberg, Ben, Lucas Peterson, Melissa Peterson, Jackson & Jenny}
{Hno. Cabrera, Hno. LaCasse, Juan, Hno. Martinez y Hna. Martinez}
{Elder Magana, Ben & Jared Wiberg}
{Lacey, Merial & Karinna}
{Ellory Peterson (my future daughter in law), Zoe Wiberg & Kyla Lopez}
{Just some dudes}
{Me, Hna. Martinez & Hna. LaCasse}
Big boy enjoying his favorite food, Guacamole:
Oh Odalis, my crazy lady friend...
Intense game of kick ball:

And, of course, no branch party would be complete without a pinata:
Cute Kadmiel:
I love our branch!
Since Cinco de Mayo was actually on a Monday, I believe, our party was actually the Saturday before. We had to stay true to tradition and go to Rancho Viejo on the actual day, and as usual it was a party! Taylor & John had fun coloring together:
So cute! :)

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