Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tucker's 2nd grade play...

Tucker's cute second grade class did their second grade play this month and it was so cute! It was called, Once Upon a Lillypad. I had never heard of it before, but for months and months leading up to it, Tucker would come home singing the songs. Tucker was a rapping alligator. The whole music room was turned into a swampy area, and you could tell the kids had worked so hard on their lines and songs. 20150507_130922 
Taylor happened to be at school during the play, so it was just us and Jackson, and he wasn't sure what to think at first...
Here are Tucker and Taylor Kartchner doing their song together. They had a duet part, that went back and forth. They are the rapping alligators.

Oh, I love this little boy of mine. He's so freaking cute, and did such a great job. They all had little parts like this and I was so proud of him. Sometimes I think with his dramatics he should go into acting.

They had a little meet and mingle in Mrs. Barnes room after and it was so cute. The kids had so much fun feeling like movie stars.
Tucker, Taylor (and Rhyann):
I sure am going to miss these cute 2nd graders. Can they just stay this age forever, please! Tucker has such a great class this year with so many wonderful kids.

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