Tuesday, July 21, 2015

End of the School Year festivities 2015

The end of the school year FINALLY came. I have to admit that I'm usually too excited about the thoughts of sleeping in and relaxing with no schedules to be sad about the end of the school year. But this year, I was a little sad, only because Mrs. Barnes is the best and I was seriously, SO sad to have Tucker not be in her class anymore. I wish he could have her every year! :)
I love the end of the school year activities. The last week where everything is fun and everyone is happy. We made the annual trek to the last day lunch with Tucker. Siblings are invited to this, so we are for sure there. :) I love seeing him with his friends and being social. Makes a mama's heart happy to see their babies happy and have good little friends.

{Tucker and Taylor and Owen}
 The two younger ones of course, gravitated directly to the bouncy houses.
 Taylor was for sure having a GREAT time. I love her enthusiasm. She just can't hid it when she's excited! :)
 Unfortunately, this guy was getting stuck more than he could play and it was making him SO mad. He wants to be a BIG boy SO bad!

 The next day Tucker came home with this beauty. He worked so hard to have the most reading minutes every week. I think there were only a couple where he wasn't the top reader. Him and his friend, Ruth, who is also a big reader were in competition. I'm friends with Ruth's mom and she would always tell me how Ruth would work so hard to beat Tucker every week for reading minutes. But it's hard to beat this boy. He LOVES to read, so it was very rewarding to see him get a trophy like this because he worked hard for it and loves it.

 To celebrate, we headed to Fro Yo with Papa and Kathryn. Any good excuse to hit up Fro Yo, right?! :) ha ha
 Alex was so proud of him! :)

 The cute little teacher gift I made Mrs. Barnes. I never know what to get teachers. I don't want to just give them junk, but I usually don't plan ahead enough to make it a cool gift. Poor Mrs. Barnes kind of got the shaft this year, but I tried to make it as cute and personal as I could! :) ha ha

 FINALLY the last day came. I went in a little early to say good bye to Mrs. Barnes, and just be there. I love being at the school. I did it last year, and I'm hoping to do it every year. Mrs. Barnes is so awesome because she had awards for each child, and a bag full of a memory book from the year, photos she had taken throughout the year, and a little letter for each child. She really is the best.
 Tucker, of course, won class clown! :) Big Surprise!
 Then it was time for the 5th grade send off. I love this tradition. The little kids line up and give High 5's to the 5th graders as they run out of the school for the last time.
 And then some seriously big hugs for our favorite Mrs. Barnes. She is so wonderful, and we will miss her SO very much!
 Some of the girls from his classroom...Lola, Ester, Bella, Amy and Ruth...
 And here's Tucker with Amy, Carson, Tucker, Lola and Derrek. Such cute kiddos!

 Tucker & Mrs. Barnes. Our favorite!
 And, of course,in front of the Sunrise Sun...
It's been a great year  and while I'm sad to see it end, BRING ON THE SUMMER!

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