Friday, August 28, 2015

Celebrating Burton

The night we got home from the beach, this little man got his first haircut! Oh my gosh, he is the cutest, and his hair was so cute long, but it was in his face most of the time. Good thing his mama is a hair lady!
Poor little guy, had no idea what was happening. He was NOT happy about it once she started.
We had to take him out and love on him a bit mid cut...
But we finally got him calm enough to get through the cut. Oh my gosh, he's the cutest. All of us were just in love all week and couldn't get enough of him! :)
And the final product: Too cute for words!!
The next morning we went to church with the Croskrey's and these cute cousins were super excited to be matchy matchy!
I was just happy to be with this lady. It was so much fun to just be there with her and see what her life is all about now. She is in the Primary presidency and my mom and I had to tag team teach a class last minute. Kenzie's class, so that was pretty fun!

After church it was time to celebrate this little man. It was his big 1st birthday!!!!
He wasn't sure what to think of everything. He didn't really like being the only one in his chair, and having to wear the hat. He wasn't sure of what to think of the candle and the flame, or the cake even. His mama had to make him a special egg free cake, but it turned out so good!!!

I just love this pic of Burton:
And this one: haha
Then he got a little taste of the goodness and I guess he decided that all the torture of the chair and the hat were worth it! haha He, of course, loved it!!!

After making a decent mess, little man got a bath and some presents and a little naked time and he was a happy camper!

Oh my gosh, I just love him!
It was a long day of partying, so Tuck and Jason took a little nappy nap. Jason got us, especially Tucker hooked on a show called Granite Flats on the BYU channel. It was really good and they bonded over it. It was fun to see them become good little buddies.
Even this guy was worn out, luckily he had his favorite grammy to snuggle with!!!
If the rest of our San Antonio trip is anything like the first few days of our trip so far, we are in for a treat!! Can't wait for the rest of our time here!!

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