Sunday, April 12, 2015

Silly Jackson...

This boy. Where do I even begin. I love him so much, I can hardly handle it. I know that I have said this with all of my kids when they were this age, but seriously, I don't think I've ever loved a child like him! :) I just want to eat him up like every single day. That's probably because he doesn't talk too much yet! :) ha ha
 I can't believe what a stinker he can be sometime. He is so stubborn and demanding and bossy so much of the time. But I love him so much. After bath time he insists on running around naked, and I let him because he's my baby. :)

When I do get a spare  minute to love on him, I just enjoy every minute of it.

But he is so loveable and snuggly. He wants to be with me and near me all the time. I do love that. Neither of my other kids were like this, he just loves me so much. It's a mutual adoration.

I'm still waking up and working out in the early early hours in the mornings. And one of my favorite things is having this guy wake up with me after I take a shower and snuggle with me.
And he's a good eater! Yipee!! He hasn't quite mastered the utensils yet, but he loves shoving that food in his mouth when he gets it! :) Of course, we all think it's the cutest thing ever! :)

Pulling out every single thing from drawers and cupboards is a favorite past time of his right now...
Balls. I have never met another child who loves balls as much as him. He is definitely going to be a ball player one day. Weather it be basketball, soccer, football or baseball, he is happy with a ball in his hands and running and kicking it or throwing it. I kind of love it about him.
Oh my gosh, when he wants to think he's a big boy and talk to grandma on the phone-- It's the cutest thing ever.

Stealing treats any chance he can! :)
And throwing tantrums any chance he can....
I can always tell where Jackson has been, he leaves his marks everywhere...
Oh, and I don't ever get to get go to the bathroom without him in the room with me and the one time that I do shut the door, this is what happened the entire time...

How can you not love that face?!?!?!

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